Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving (a day late)!

We've been working like fiends around here to get everything ready (or as ready as possible) for Thanksgiving and our open house the day after. Basically, this consisted of moving boxes from the living room into any available space that isn't within public viewing. Which ended up being the small back porch and my bedroom - as long as I have enough room to lie down and go to sleep, that's all that matters. So here are some pics of the living room in its current state. We're working on getting some flooring but until then we've got throw rugs all over the place.

Yesterday I cooked and cooked then cooked some more for just the four of us (mom, dad, sister & me). It went off relatively smoothly. There was just one small tiff which is mild for a Perry get together these days. But overall, the food was good (if I do say so myself) and the conversation lively. The funny thing is I did all this cooking and forgot one of the most important components of the meal - the pumpkin pie. I had bought all the stuff to make it earlier in the week but when it was time to actually make it it completely slipped my mind. Mom to the rescue! She brought a pumpkin bundt cake with her so we just munched on that for dessert.
Anyway, if you're from America, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and if you're not from America, I hope you had a good Thursday.
As we were unpacking we had a little helper...can you spot her? Look closely...

There she is. Ok, Sasha wasn't so much helping as just getting underfoot and making a mess with all the packing materials. But she's so cute, how could I resist taking pictures?

1 comment:

Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

Kitties just love to help don't they.

Happy thanksgiving.