So this is what gives me the bumpies...
It's not just Josh Groban that gives me goosebumps. It's pretty much anybody with a beautiful strong singing voice. Needless to say, Jessica Simpson and Brittany Spears have never given me goosebumps.
As far as what scrambles my brain when I try to understand it...The home buying process is mind boggling to me. There are so many little things you have to pay attention to and so many things that people are constantly telling you to beware of, it's not only mind boggling but intimidating too. If you haven't picked up on it yet, we are in the process right now. By we I mean my sister is actually purchasing it cuz my credit is in the sewer but it's really our house, I think. Here's the one we put an offer on today...
This is the front, nice curb appeal, I'd say.

This is what you see when you walk in the front door. Huge space! The kitchen leaves a lot to be desired but that's part of the fun, putting your own stamp on things. Although I do like those pendant lamps.
This is the wall that's between the dining/kitchen area and the living room. If it's a load bearing wall we're making it into an archway so that it's more open, if it's not, the wall is going bye bye so we have one huge room. Oh, and that mantle and paneling is going to go too.
This is the hallway...just a hallway.
So that's the house. Hopefully it'll be our house soon.
If you'd like to see the other mind-boggling, chill-inducing posts, go on over to Three Buttons. Thanks to Juddie at Flightless Boyds for this week's theme(s).
Good luck with the house purchase...looks like it has loads and loads of potential!
Definetly mind boggling the home market, but this looks like a great space.
I am a sucker for a great singing voice too.
How exciting...I hope you get it.
That's Josh Groban?? Huh...would never have picked that. lol How does he sound to real afficianados of that art form?? Cause he sounds dang talented to me! lol
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