This is my dog's favorite toy. Well, really, it's more than a toy, it's his most stalwart and loyal buddy, his security blanket, if you will. It's dirty, it stinks, in general it's just gross. But he loves it. He drags this little thing everywhere. Last night I got to the point where I just couldn't bear having it on my bed, which is where it inevitably ends up. So I put in the wash right before I went to sleep so the dog was without all night. He spent a good long while sniffing around for it both last night before going to sleep and this morning when he woke up. It breaks my heart a little everytime I put in the wash because he seems so lost with out it.

But he gets so happy when he gets it back. As soon as I brought that little thing out of the laundry room he attached himself to it and wouldn't let it out of his sight. Too cute! My favorite part of this whole thing...look how clean it is!!

GOD I wish I could do that with our pug's lovie...the damn thing is twice as big as he is..would KILL our washer!
One of my cats has a little black mouse that she carries all over the house with her. We are always finding it in different places. She would be lost without it too. Aren't they funny with their security blankets.
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