Sunday, August 3, 2008

This is...not my trade secret

This week's theme (brought to us by Amelia at bollewangenhaptoet) is supposed to be "This trade secret" but I don't have any. By day I'm a receptionist and by night a sewing newbie, craft hobbyist and art dabbler. Because I'm so new to sewing I don't have any trade secrets (but I'm sure I'm going to gain a whole lot of good tips from other people's posts this week!). As far as crafting goes, it's just a hobby, not a trade and I don't do it often enough to have any trade secrets.

The closest thing I have to it would be to do what makes you happy. While my day job definitely falls short of that, my hobbies don't. There's a satisfaction to finishing a project and a joy to finishing it well.

And that's it. My "trade secret".

Thanks to Angela over at Three Buttons for being our meme host.


CurlyPops said...

That's actually the best trade what you love!

Jacinta said...

Do what makes you happy is top of the list for me too. Cheers!