Sunday, April 27, 2008

This favorite book (s).

Like most of the This is'ers this is a difficult one for me. I have approximately 4 gazillion bookshelves full plus I don't know how many boxes of books in my garage. So, narrowing it down to one, that's just not gonna happen. I have many many favorites; I'll share a few of them with you...

1. The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. Everytime I read it I cry.

2. America The Beautiful by Robert Sabuda, or any by Robert Sabuda. I coveted this book for about a year before I gave in and bought it. I bring it out a few times a year just to look and be inspired. Plus I really love pop up books of any kind.

3. The Harry Potter series by JK Rowling. I resisted reading these for years, mostly because everybody and their grandmothers were all head over heels for them (I'm a rebel to the core hee hee). Finally, I think it was when the 5th book came out I gave in and borrowed 1 - 4 from a friend then her copy of #5 and I was hooked. This series of books is one of the few works of fiction that I've read more than once.

Lately my fiction choices have been fluffy chick lit pieces that take only a couple of hours to get through mostly because that's all the attention span I've had recently. But normally, I read anything I can get my hands on.

Thank you Dees over at Daisy in lala Land for this week's topic.

1 comment:

muralimanohar said...

The Giving Tree is a love it or hate it book...personally, I always want to give the boy a good hard smack on the back of the head for being such a thoughtless, selfish pig, lol. I was introduced to it by someone who loves it, though....I just don't get it. :p